my new cheap as chips dress(£5 from Primark). Just customised it by changing the buttons for some vintage ones and adding a ribbon and voila a little dress that looks like it could have graced the 50's. Well sort of!
Coldplay's new single coming out tomorrow - though I'm bracing myself for disappointment as I don't think they have really ever improved on Parachutes and Rush of Blood To The Head years ago.
::still laughing about::
The other week at school we were practising SATs papers before the end of term assessment. I had to take 4 six/seven year old children out of class to read the paper for them. When I came to Question 3, I paused...smiled.. and had to quietly sing the question..."Look at the stars,....and then added... look how they shine for you...!"
The children burst out laughing. Chris Martin. He gets everywhere doesn't he?
this wonderful cushion at church. It must have taken ages to knit. Does anyone have any idea how to knit those segments? Any help would be gratefully appreciated!
finally being able to drive the lanes in sunshine.
a thrifted bracelet almost identical to my new Cath dress. Can you even spot it?!
02 June 2011 in Coldplay Love, Crochet, Things to wear | Permalink | Comments (41)
First, I must thank you for such kind comments about my previous post and such boot love! I haven't been able to respond sooner as we have been in Ludlow for a week. My fab-u-lous ribbon-love boots are Dr Martens Triumph 1914. Expensive yes but worth every penny. You do need to allow yourself an extra 20 minutes to lace up the ribbons though but the ribbons 'make' them. My dress was bought from Totnes market and is from Zara Basic. Tights are from Marks & Spencer. I will do a seperate post about my weight loss and my new dresses. xxxxxx
One of my favourite things to do at school is listen to 'news'. This is where the children share anything they feel is interesting with the rest of the class. I love it, mainly because I get to know the children a little better but also because I'm nosey! Anyway, after Christmas we usually do the 'what did you get/do for Christmas thing' and of course I like to have my turn and I told them all about my special coat.
They were all really excited to see this special coat that Mr Goble had surprised me with, but unfortunately the weather had been rainy for ages and velvet coats (with added silk!) that need dry cleaning don't do rain. But hurray, the other week there was a dry day so the coat came to school with me.
It was treated like a celebrity. The moment I walked into the classroom they remembered. Ten pairs of hands immediately started stroking.
"Are your hands clean? I ask trying not to panic.
Later that morning I go out on playground duty. There are children coming up to me with milk cartons that need opening, oranges and bananas that need peeling and horror of horrors..snot. Rivers of it. The cry was heard many times "Don't touch the coat - I need to check your hands first!" Honestly, I was nearly grey by the time playtime was over.
Later that day I went to put my coat on and went to get it from it's special 'hidden under the desk on a chair out of harms reach' place only to discover this resting on it.
I couldn't have put it better myself and went off smiling. Well, snot can only enhance it can't it?
26 February 2011 in Things to wear | Permalink | Comments (24)
Hello! Ready for collection number 2? It's not a large collection as some of my collections can be (ahem, we won't mention my pillowcases shall we! It took me 2 hours just to sort out one and a half shelves of my linen cupboard the other day..and it's only a small cupboard!) - but it's growing. I can fit them into these two glass pots so really it's quite tame for my standards.
Hair grips - I used to buy them for Lucy and Alice, but over the last few months I have been keeping them for myself. In fact I've stopped wearing earrings and started wearing hair grips. How funny is that!
I seem to favour sparkly ones - no surprise there - and looking at them all I have to laugh because 50% of them are actually children's hair accessories as you have probably guessed. I would like to get some more - particularly some dark purple to go with THE coat and perhaps some green ones and obviously some with my favourite aurora borealis stones in them. Anyone know where you can buy good hair grips?
So between choosing what dress I'm going to wear in the morning, perhaps a necklace, then what tights and lastly what hair grips - it's surprising I get to work at all!
15 January 2011 in Things to wear | Permalink | Comments (21)
It all started last August I think, and it was the fault of Cath Kidston (she has such a lot to answer for in this household does dear ol' Cath!) Her autumn catalogue came through the door tempting the rapidly reducing me to actually look at the clothes instead of just admiring the furniture the models are sitting on or the vintage light fittings. Anyway, she had these lovely crochet tights (pantyhose to overseas visitors) for sale and my new obsession was born.
I never got a pair of the Cath tights (I've just worked out that I haven't been in a CK shop since July- gosh!) they were a bit pricey anyway; but I have made up for it this winter with quite a collection of all different sorts. The above pair I got for my birthday from Madelyn who went shopping with me in October in Ludlow and noticed my obsession with tights and if we'd seen a pair of knee high flowery socks, she would have no doubt noticed my passion for them too. (To wear over the tights peaking above my boots in case you're wondering why I would wear socks during the coldest winter we've had in years!)
And here they are - the flowery collection. Mainly navy and black but I do have a new grey pair with dark flowers on that are not shown. They are all from M&S and Tesco apart from the socks second from the right which are from my favourite shop White Stuff. I do have a pair of M&S crochet 'look-a-like Cath but half the price' tights and a ribbed pair, some plain pairs, a merino wool pair...and that is just my woolly tights. I won't get started on my jewel coloured nylon ones. It takes me ages to get ready in the morning these days, matching colours and patterns.
But despite 2 layers of the loveliest socks and tights...I've still got cold feet!
Latest Passion #2 to follow
12 January 2011 in Things to wear | Permalink | Comments (26)
:: Miracle one ::
Great Tits
A Blackcap
A Wren
A flock of Long-tailed Tits
A Thrush
A Robin
Blue Tits
And a cheeky Pigeon or 2
This list of birds are not the birds visiting my father's bird table/feeders or my Aunt Madelyn's, or even my neighbours. Oh no. These are MY birds!! All mine. I'VE GOT BIRDS PEOPLE! I'VE GOT BIRDS!! Oh I love my birds.
In case you are new to reading this blog I have spent years (it feels like years) trying to entice birds into my bird-free garden. Read more here, and here. This summer the birds have been non-existent - even my only visitors to my feeders - the 3 or 4 Sparrows - have gone elsewhere. But during this really cold snap my little garden has been full of them. So full in fact, I've had to make 2 trips to the garden centre to buy different foods and more feeders. Yay! Well.. you know me and my 'thing' about feeders...
Let me talk feeders..pleeeeese. I've now have ..er..8! Well in my defence different birds need different feeders, though I have doubled up with quite a few! Hee hee. The family have a glazed over look now though I must say Anth is quite keen and is often found watching the feeders with interest. I even have a pair of cheap binoculars on our bedroom window sill (sad, I'm told). The birds seem to favour one feeder in particular - is that normal? It's the one with the seed tray catcher where they can sit on. I bought one exactly the same but they don't really use it! What's with that?
I have also bought a Nyjer seed feeder (even though I'm not expecting any Goldfinches anytime) for my Chaffinches but they haven't tried any. Does anyone know if Chaffinches eat Nyjer seeds?
Anyway, I tried so hard to get a photo with the variety of birds in it but failed, but did manage to get 3 Long-tailed Tits
I found it hard returning to work this week as it has been dark when I leave the house and it has been dark when I have gotten home so I have not seen them. I have though, when ringing Lucy during the day, asked who was on the feeders. I got a double 'sad' for that...! I'm very excited though and if you have any tips please let me know. We can be sad together!
:: Miracle two ::
A Love Story
A few weeks ago I fell in love with a velvet coat. Not just any velvet coat. The deepest glossy purple velvet coat that I likened to the purple velvet petals of a pansy. Over the last few weeks every time I went into Marks & Spencer I would try on this coat and stroke it's soft folds. Even inside, the label had lace around it. But. And it was a big but..it was far too much money I felt to spend on a coat..even a velvet purple pansy one. So, I would visit it, and when I did I noticed to my surprise that the rail of coats was fast disappearing. Then a week before Christmas when I was in M&S buying gloves and tights I went to visit my purple friend and couldn't find any. Gulp. Surely they can't be all gone already and I hadn't said goodbye. No, there were just 2 hiding at the end of a rail. I tried it on for the last time.
Two days before Christmas at 7am, Anth and I went to M&S to pick up our turkey.
"Ooh, Anth let me show you the coat!" We head towards the clothes section, Anth is not at all interested which is usual. I search and search. Only one size 20 left. The last one in my size has gone. Anth wanted to get on with the grocery shopping, he didn't really look at the coat.
Christmas Day I found a squashy present under our tree. I usually know exactly what I'm having for Christmas because I guess. I opened this one and saw a purple sleeve. I screamed. There were tears.
My darling husband went to M&S early one morning before work to buy the coat, before he had even seen it! I had only described it to him. I still can't quite believe it. He's never done anything like that before.
The family say it looks like Elton John's stage wear as it is rich and glossy and well...velvet..but I love it and I will be wearing during the day even though it's probably an evening coat. It will come to the supermarket with me, to school, on my charity shop runs. Everywhere. Because it reminds me how much my husband can surprise me and loves me.
Just don't shout "Elton" at me if you see me!
10 January 2011 in Anthony love, Birds, Home Life, Kindness, Things to wear | Permalink | Comments (52)
enjoying - the colours of the last of the hydrangeas.
very excited - about the coming week (more about that soon!)
astounded/flabbergasted - due to 'the' event of the coming week I have bought my very first (and I hope not my very last!) Cath Kidston dress...well 2 actually as I couldn't decided which I liked best so bought both to try on and send one back. This has been my weight loss goal - a Cath dress - so when they arrived yesterday I was a little scared to finally try one on.
I thought the large might still be too small for me but when I put them on they swamped me! So now I'm waiting for the medium size. A Cath dress at last! But I can't choose so I'm hoping that Anth will let me keep the second one for my birthday in November.
loving - 3 new to me songs ~ Miserere Mei Deus by the Choir of King's College Cambridge (oh this is exquisite)
Be Here Now by Ray Lamontagne, and Silence by Seal.
looking forward to - the first of the Christmas magazines out next Thursday (Ideal Home's Complete Guide To Christmas...umm yes, I actually rang the magazine to find out the exact date - sad or what!? Don't tell my family or I'll never live it down!) The first of many good ones this year I hope. I can't believe it is my most favourite time of the year again - but where has this year gone?
going to - Totnes tomorrow to the Nostalgic Mix Fair (do come starts at 10am) and to meet a lovely blog reader and her husband from the US. So excited as I feel I know her already. Funny that.
So as you can see I have spent most of this week in a state of high excitement and it looks like next week is going to be even better.
How much can a girl take!
08 October 2010 in Home Life, Me, My music, On my mantelpiece, Things to wear | Permalink | Comments (21)
Yes, it's almost time for that great event at the Royal Albert Hall - to see Crosby, Stills and Nash and I am going crazy with excitement. Crazy. I am also the proud owner of 5 dresses now and I have to find the right one to wear just in case my sweet David Crosby just happens to look my way or bumps into me as I stake out the Stage Door! There are only 4 are real contenders though but the above photo is only showing 3 (the navy thing is a long cardigan complete with frills and a tie which I love). Here is the other one with me in it (sorry) with and without a grey cardigan. The tummy is still evident and I'm even breathing in for the photo! But I'm slowly getting there and it's so, so wonderful wearing some new clothes. All from Marks and Spencer by the way.
I think this dress is my favourite - plus the photo doesn't show my double chin so perhaps it has some magic in it. I think it might be the one..what do you think?
30 June 2010 in Me, My music, Things to wear | Permalink | Comments (40)
Oh these last few days - I've had the best few days I've had all year! The sun has shone, and I have pottered about at home doing all the things I enjoy.
A little sewing. Wearing my new flowery pyjama trousers (Primark. I just love new PJ's.) ..
Going to my favourite car boot sale on Saturday morning and finding ...
a new £2 crochet tablecloth - perfect for the back of our sofa.
A new £2 knitted blanket (which the sellers were using as a ground sheet!)
for the back of the sofa no less!
And lastly, a little project for me ..
25 May 2010 in Reasons to be cheerful, Things to wear, Treasures & lovely things | Permalink | Comments (44)
The Good
An actual new dress - already. I thought I would just go and look in Marks & Spencer really not expecting to find anything yet, but I did. It makes me feel like a million dollars and one or two tears were quietly shed in the changing room when I realised that I could possibly get away with it. (Tears seem to come very easily these days as I adjust to the changes in my medication..plays havoc with my eyelashes which have just started to fall out! They have lasted well though.)
I'm not on any particular diet, I'm just trying to eat a low-fat, healthier diet with much smaller portions. I have tried for years to do something about my weight and now without my daily headaches and weekly migraine (which made me hungry and crave sugar) I feel I can tackle some exercise and eat more sensibly. I have a long way to go as I want to lose 3 stone (I would say 4 but people shrink back in horror when I say that but I'm only 5'2" and as round as a ball). I can't quite believe the will-power I have prayed for for years has suddenly arrived in abundance. I am determined to do this because I don't want to feel overweight, frumpy and afraid of cameras anymore. I want to be "Whoa...Jane Goble's on fire..er!!" and I don't mean for my wallpapering skills this time!
It feels so good at last to be doing something about it. I only hope it will work and I can keep it up and that I may shed more tears of joy in changing rooms over the next few months/year.
The Bad
The bad side to being 5'"2, round around the middle, and wanting to wear dresses without looking pregnant is having to wear what they call 'magic knickers'. There really is no magic in them for me. This new pair cost as much as my dress and are the most uncomfortable things I have ever had the misfortune to wear as well as looking rather..er un-firelike! They're just one pair of my Bridget Jones pants collection. I actually have 3 pairs of different ones but these are the biggest and ugliest.
Lucy and I were in Starbucks the other day and I popped to the lavatory. Well, you don't just 'pop' to the lavatory when you wear pants like this. Lucy quizzed me when I came back as to why I had taken so long.
"Well," I replied rather crossly, "these stupid knickers need peeling off which takes times, then they need heaving up..no it's more like wrestling which makes your arms ache. Then they roll down again so you heave them up again which made me bash my elbow on the soap dispenser. They are also cutting off all circulation...blah, blah, blah..!"
Yes, the sooner I lose some weight and don't need to wear the hideous Bridget Jones knickers the better.
03 May 2010 in Me, Things to wear | Permalink | Comments (64)
I have so enjoyed reading your comments from my last post - you have both jogged my memory and encouraged me to try some of your suggestions. I had forgotten all about Dewberry and Just Musk..I hated Just Musk.. but loved all the Laura Ashley scents, I remember one of the bottles being beautifully decorated. I forgot about Cinema too, which I had a bottle of 2 or 3 years ago. Sigh.
But today I just wanted to share some photos from my weekend. I bet by saying that you think it was really exciting don't you? Well it really wasn't. Honest.
On Saturday, I spent the WHOLE day in my new pyjamas crocheting by the fire. I am desperately want to show you what I'm doing but can't as they are Christmas presents. So I had to put another ball of yarn on my knee for the photo. And yes, they are the trousers of my new Sainsburys pjs!
And here is my latest Totnes market purchase - a £3 fair-isle scarf which seems to go with just about everything, especially the pyjamas.
And lastly, I'm having to restrain myself every time I walk past our wardrobe and see this..
..it's my birthday present, the Japanese Crochet book featured in Dottie Angel's post which I just HAD to have. My birthday is at the end of the month so this means more torture on a daily basis as I try to resist picking it up (I have succumbed twice and looked at 2 pages). Oh why, oh why can't I read Japanese. Now that's an idea!
16 November 2009 in Home Life, Me, Things to wear | Permalink | Comments (32)
Selina Lake: Romantic Style: Create a Beautiful Home with a Romantic Vintage Look
Consultant Editor: Erika Knight: The Harmony Guides: Crochet Stitch Motifs: 250 to Crochet
Selina Lake: Bazaar Style: Decoratiing with Market and Vintage Finds
Sally Page: The Flower Shop: A Year in the Life of an English Country Flower Shop