Well it's finished - well nothing's actually completely finished in this house, but the paint brush has been put away for the time being. The floor actually needs a third coat of paint but I just can't face it at the moment so I'm trying to ignore that fact.
It took a looong time to put everything back but it allowed me to sort out the books and my corner. I even made another loose cover for the chair in between sandings.
It is very hit and miss and tucked in to fit so don't look too closely. I have used 2 old embroidered tablecloths over the arms and a vintage curtain on the seat and a piece of fabric (that I found waay back when we went to New Zealand. It never fails to surprise me how I seem to be able to remember exactly when and where I found some fabric or treasure of mine but can't remember what I did 2 days ago!) But it's the added lace that made me do the happy dance. I absolutely love it. I found it at school shoved high upon a shelf in a plastic bag and I seem to remember someone offering it to me but can't remember who! See I told you my memory was bad. The lace has been taken off some net curtains and I have become obsessed with it. Really, really badly. I have had to contain myself in festooning it all over the house, I mean I don't want the house to look twee as I strive for eclectic and flea market; but it looks so good to me. Maybe I am just twee whatever 'twee' may be. Anyway, I think the lace 'makes' the covers and I continue to do my happy dance (and singing!)
I have even put the lace on the curtains and temporarily pinned on some doilies inspired by the oh-so-glorious Tif (and that's another recent obsession of mine - her fabulous blog Dottie Angel. I think she has the most wonderful style.)
I haven't decided whether to go ahead and sew the doilies on yet. Mmm, not sure.
Slight problem with the rug...the cats don't like it and won't go on it! We bought 2 cheap rugs from Ikea. A black one and a lime green one. I am hoping that the black will make the room look less 'twee' and a little more edgy! See, I'm super sensitive to 'twee' now, besides I actually like black. But if a vintage floral one came along I wouldn't say no - I'm on the lookout now.
Oh, I mustn't forget the new fairy lights.
They are yellow and give off a warm cozy glow. I have changed our mantelpiece a bit too.
There, all finished. Now for the details:
Floor paint - International Quick drying floor paint in Polar White.
Fairy lights - Marks and Spencers Christmas range (they're green and gold)
Rug - Ikea, Hampen Rug £34
Everything else is all from car boots/charity shops etc.
And yes, in case you are wondering..it was all worth it..