It has been raining all day today; at times quite torrential. We haven't had much rain in the last month or two but we probably have had our monthly quota just today. But today, despite the rain, I have had 2 unusual encounters. The first, along the lanes whilst I was being driven to school by Anth. We came across some wildlife..nothing unusual, I see pheasants and rabbits on a daily basis, but today it was this
- a peacock! Excuse the poor photo but I was in the car. A peacock deep in the Devon lanes. Then at school I popped out of the classroom and came face to face with my friend from the trees outside..
But alas, I may have birds where I least expect them; but I have none where I really would like here
On my return home I put on my wellies, grabbed an umbrella and went to check if any of the food put out a few weeks ago had been touched.
It hadn't. I've had no birds (sparrows) now for 3 months. I miss them and I keep having to throw away the food. I don't have much luck with birds do I!? They are either in the wrong place or not there at all.
I'm now officially taking it personally...