Today all our visitors returned to their homes and the house seems strangely empty. We have had a wonderful time over the last week or two celebrating a birthday, a trip to Bath (with a visit to Cath K whilst there. I was thrilled to have met Sam from Silkie Sue who came up to introduce herself. I was flabbergasted that she recognised me though no one could probably fail to notice the perspiring woman dragging her husband and his friend around the shop trying desperately hard to bring my voice down an octave or two. What is it about CK shops that turn me into a high pitched babbling fool!?) and yesterday, a boat trip to Brixham. Matthew has been here too so there have been many moments where I have been unable to breathe through laughing so hard.
But right now I'm left with a huuge pile of laundry which is threatening to take over the bedroom floor so I can't stop long. I can't believe that the summer holidays are over already- I'm back to school on Thursday. I'll do an update on my crochet blanket in the next post.
Bye for now...x
P.S I'm loving the picture of Alice (top right) trying to teach Pa how to use his mobile. He was writing down everything she was saying...bless.