Well hello friends, another weekend been and gone. I can't believe it is almost the middle of February already..where does the time go?
A happy and productive weekend was had in the Goble household which saw me sit at my sewing machine for the first time this year. Gosh, it's been so long. I came across a black embroidered doily in my stash which had been casually placed on top of some thrifted green fabric. I noticed that the green stitching on the doily matched the fabric rather well so a strange new cushion was born. I mean what could I have done with a black doily anyway? Probably lots you'll tell me!
I backed the cushion with a very narrow piece of fabric I bought a long time ago from Amy, and fastened it with vintage linen buttons. And yes, I think I prefer that side to the doily; though the black of the doily does echo the fire surround and the rug.
There was some snugly movie watching too. Unfortunately, we forgot that our DVD player was broken so we had to watch Mamma Mia played through Tom's PlayStation console, on his 14 inch portable TV in our bedroom.
It was a bit of a squash as we all tried to fit on our bed and still have a view of the tiny screen, especially as the cats decided to join us; but in all honesty, I wouldn't have had it any other way..
In answer to the lovely Mel's comment:
The sofa should be white but certainly is not at this moment. Honestly. It is sporting black ink that has rubbed off from the Sunday newspapers, spots of melted chocolate, tea stains and a rather suspicious yellow stain which I'm praying isn't cat sick!