"What on earth are these?" exclaimed my husband as he looked at a pair of sequined shoes casually tossed on to our bed.
"Oh they are mine." I reply.
"You cannot be serious. Can you?" He stared at me opened mouthed.
"Well they weren't very much money and I thought, well I thought they would look nice with my jeans. You know.. pretty and sparkly."
"How much money is 'not much money'?"
"Two pounds."
"Oh. I can't believe you would consider something like those; they're awful!"
Mmm, it certainly seemed a good idea at the time even though Lucy and Alice agreed with Anth and thought they were not very nice. They stayed in my wardrobe until yesterday when I was reminded of sparkly things by the winter sun shining into our bedroom and catching the crystal drops on our chandelier (Christmas decorations from 2 years ago!) So I went and put them on.
I had envisioned them being worn with straight, dare I say skinny, jeans but those who know me will know that that I would never ever fit into a pair of skinny jeans ever again. In fact I can only just fit into the one pair I own - stretch bootleg jeans; but get so fed up with my tummy hanging over the low waist band and having to hoist them up every time I sit/stand/move/bend over; that they don't stay on me for more than 5 minutes. Then they get put back into my wardrobe with renewed vows never to eat anything fattening - which lasts all of 10 minutes. "What if I meet Chris!" I wail at pinching at my tummy..!
Anyway, I lay on the bed and looked at my shoes and it dawned on me that they were the sort of thing a 4 year old would love to wear. But I knew exactly why they appealed to me. Since I was really small I have always wanted to wear a sequined dress. As a child I used to watch ladies dressed in beautiful sequin dresses on TV. They shimmered and sparkled under the spotlights and their dresses used to give out that star burst as the light bounced off their sequins and it would almost make your eyes water. I just love it. And talking about spotlights, I have always wanted to be on a dark stage and have a spotlight follow me wherever I move. So much so that when I was 6 or 7 I used to make my brothers stand on something high and shine a torch on me as I moved around 'the stage'! Poor things.
But back to the shoes. They were surprisingly comfortable (which is more than I can say for the jeans which were soon taken off!) and I let my inner 4 year old wear them for the rest of the day.
"How much were those shoes again?" asked Lucy.
And this morning I realised why they were only £2...the sequins and the sole have come apart. Oh well, thought my inner 45 year old, perhaps it's for the best.