You know how it can be plodding along, content with whatever creative project graces your lap and the order in which your next 5 craft projects will take - when suddenly, quite out of the blue, you see something that hits you WHAM between the eyes and you wonder why on earth you have never thought of making one like that yourself. A defining moment. A moment I always, always hope for when opening a magazine or book for the first time. Inspiration. And then that picture, or pictures, will be gazed upon whenever I have a spare moment and I dream about making my own version of whatever it is. Oh yes it's the most fantastic feeling finding inspiration and find it I did at Fredsworld. Just look at this, the man is amazing. I don't know what I admire most about Fred but I have never come across a man whose taste is so me. He knits, he crochets, he sews and he has a wicked sense of humour and so has his wife. But what about that chair! It is so wonderful and I want to make my own patchwork loose cover. But until I do, I have draped some vintage bark-cloth over the back.
And I have now finished my found, 'almost finished' tapestry and have turned it into a cushion. So in my own way I have already started my patchwork chair's certainly blooming with flowers...and echos what I overheard a little boy at school say today, ..'Mrs Goble always brings flowery things you know!'