Oh I wish, truly wish, that I could say that this utterly, perfect bedroom was part of our home. That this delightful room was the first and last thing my daughters saw everyday. It isn't. Sob. But I do see it everyday and so could you. It's on page 138 of a absolutely fantastic book called Home ~ FamilyLifeStyle by Anita Kaushal ISBN 978-0-500-51366-8.
Gosh, I love this book. I saw it in Borders on our London trip on Wednesday and just had to buy it there and then - even though I knew that carrying a heavy hardback book around London, along with a few magazines (and that was before we hit Cath's,) would not be an easy thing. Since I've been back I haven't yet properly 'read' it but dipped in and out and poured over the pictures, especially p138/139; which incidentally is Sam McKechnie's home, of Magpie & the Wardrobe...oh those Fairies..
Why has it touched me? Well let me try and explain. It's a book about home (one of the sweetest words in any language don't you think?) and is divided into 4 sections ~ Live, Share, Nest, Bare. It's about making your home not only beautiful but a nurturing haven for those who share it with you. I quote, 'Our home-life can have a huge impact on who we are; as adults it affects our daily lives and moods, and for children it influences the kind of people they will become.' Ooh, no pressure then!
The words actually encourage not dissuade, and linger with you as you try and recall them throughout the day. The photos are wonderful and are inspirational. Even the pages smell good. Yes, I have a passion for smelling new books! They are wholesome and not glossy (reminding me of the wonderful Apples For Jam)
So I guess you can say I love it. And it wasn't just that fabulous bedroom that caught my eye, oh no, I saw a photo of a small, red poster (vintage WWII) with the words,
Keep Calm & Carry On
and with Christmas rapidly approaching and again my panic levels rising daily; you will hear me muttering this mantra as I carry on trying my very best to keep calm!