Alfie has to be the sweetest little boy cat. He is the first boy cat I have ever owned as I thought girl cats were nicer (& less smelly!)
How wrong I have been. He is so loving, very quick to purr and extremely playful which is perfect for the children. On the downside - he is always under my feet and trips me up on a daily basis, but you can't stay cross with him for long!
He comes straight away if you call him and being brushed is his most favourite thing. Just wanted to show you these pictures...aww! He has come along way since here and here! And most importantly he now has a 'boys' collar, the flowers have gone and he has one with baby blue polka dots. Still slightly effeminate but he hasn't cottoned on yet!
On another note - I've changed my banner again but have been a bit puzzled....on my lap top I had one banner picture, on our PC there was another! I couldn't understand, so could you tell me if you see the buttercups with a red Posy, or a yellow one (the one I want) or the old gate picture. Thank you all, and I hope it's all yellow buttercups with you, wherever you may be...