The list has almost been accomplished, just some phone calls to make and a visit to Lyme Regis hopefully tomorrow (please God no more rain..)
Now number 1 on my list was to work some magic on this old table that was no longer used at school. We have sadly neglected using our little brick patio for eating and this old table was just what we needed. It has taken a few weeks to have some sunny weather/time but in between the heavy shower...ta da..
I painted the legs and sides with white exterior gloss and covered the top with Green Gate oil cloth. Gosh, the patio looks good - can the camera lie? I think so! In some photos things just seem to look good.
I have even found the time to do extra painting, like paint our bed only to discover that I didn't like the shade of green and had to do it all over again only to discover that I didn't like the other shade of green and had to dash to the shop to have more paint made up only to discover that I didn't like that shade of green so asked for more to be made up bought that came home and didn't like that either...and breathe!!! I ended up using the second green which "hardly looks any different to what it was before" says Lucy (correctly!) " aahh," I say, "but it's now a gloss finish!" She shook her head and walked away. Well she tried to but was hindered by our king size mattress and all the relevant bedding spread all over the house for the last 2 days! Anth and I have slept on our mattress on the sittingroom floor. Such fun, I love to do things like that but Anth has only complained that it has given him a bad back though Alfie enjoyed a new place to nap...but who on earth designs these hideous mattress covers??
Can you even tell it's a new green?! Hardly, but that hasn't deterred me and I'm on a mission to find that right shade of green.
More from my list next time..