Today is Father's Day and I would like to pay tribute to the 3 fathers in my life.
First, my father..
I have spent over half of my life not living with him but as I am getting older I seem to be turning into him. So? I hear you say..well the remarkable thing is that we are so, so totally opposite. Our personality traits are completely different as I am more like my mother. But I am finding as I am getting older that I am slowly appreciating some of the things (old people's things! Like 'The Antiques Roadshow' & choral music) that he likes..but worse, much worse...I'm beginning to look like him!
These pictures were taken at 6pm..the time he pours himself a gin and tonic, and they capture him perfectly. He is very tolerant when we 5 plus Posy descend on him on our visits to Ludlow. For that we are all grateful. He will cook all of the meals - wonderful meals that take him a long time to prepare.. and for that I am really grateful because cooking is my pet hate. I am allowed just to sit and sew and that truly is a blessing to me. He wont read this because he has no access to a computer or know what to do with one, but I still want to declare my thanks and wish him a very Happy Father's Day!
The other father in my life is my step-father Robin. He has been such a source of strength and support to my mother that I want to thank him for all that he does for her. He has had to put up with the family's lavatorial sense of humour and our habit of retelling funny stories just to fall about laughing like we had never heard it before!
Now Rob does have a computer and probably will read this so..Happy Father's Day Wib/Red/Pops! I hope you have a lovely day and that we will see you soon.
The final father is the father to my children - and what a father is he! I won't go on about how wonderful he is and how much we all appreciate him as I have done many times before. He is off to see Elton John tonight with my youngest brother Matthew so he has a lovely day planned. Deservedly.
Me? Well its back to my HLTA course work...we had our final training day on Friday where we had to bring our drafts of 4 of the 8 assessments. We had to go through each others and be critical...ummm...lets say paranoia has crept in and I am re-doing them deadline is the 14th July and I'm in the middle of a 3 day migraine which keeps receding only to come back more fierce than before...
I have had some time on ebay this week and have bought a few bits which I will try and post this week. I love ebay..the thrill of winning something is beginning to appeal to me just a little too much! I can spend hours looking for things if I let myself. I suppose that's the downside of having too many interests and passions.
Oh but the joy!