Eleven years ago - eleven years ago I gave birth to my third baby. My labour and delivery with Alice were exactly the same length and time (less 1 minute) as with Lucy before her and both were on Saturday afternoons. I just can't believe that my youngest child is 11 years old!
Sweet Alice, she is still very 'young' in her outlook. Believing in the Tooth Fairy, Father Christmas and undoubting in her faith. She still loves playing with her dolls and she looks for the good in everyone and expects life to be fair but accepts it if it is not. She has a talent for acting and singing and thinks that one day she will be a famous actress! She is obsessed with sweets and always spills food on her clothes.
I know that these innocent days are numbered as she will start secondary school in September. She has Anthony's zest for life (I was a timid child) and his amazing skill at tidying up!
She is the image of me when I was little. We even have the same hands and crooked little fingers - Alice's picture is above and me below.
A few years ago I heard a song by Madonna (no- I'm not a fan, only like 3 of her songs) that she had written for her daughter. I felt I could relate to some of the lyrics so decided to sew them for Alice. Each of my children have a 'special' song, I only wish that I could write them!
And this was before she started her acting classes!
Happy Birthday darling, you certainly are a star to us...