Well the paint has dried - good gracious doesn't gloss paint take an age to dry - and at last there is somewhere to put my underwear - thank you family for stepping over bags of socks, knickers, and the special top bedside drawer bits! The picture isn't particularly in focus and I did choose the sunniest 5 minutes but something isn't right..I'm loath to use the flash as it is so harsh.
Today I even managed to sew and finally made that pillowcase that I had been yearning to do.
The fabric is from Laura Ashley , it is an old one that they have brought back again and I really love it. I made a lamp shade in it too. That was a first! The striped pillowcase is from a charity shop - infact all my pillowcases are, though I don't tell everybody as some people would never stay at our house again!
Today is the first day that everybody has been better though the sound of coughing can be heard every few minutes! Lucy has just taken part in a competition in public speaking. It has taken the whole afternoon and I am so proud of her. They were in teams of 3 - a speaker, chairperson and a vote of thanks. She had been chosen at school to be the speaker and had decided to do the 6 minute speech on Fairtrade. I was so nervous for her but she was brilliant and their team came 2nd. She spoke clearly and loudly which many of the others didn't. Well done darling!
We also got Tom's report on Friday and that was good - what is more important to Anth and I is the childrens' attitude towards their work and teachers. They may not be high flyers but manners and consideration for others is what we strive for in our family.
I have noticed the last few days a destinct feeling of spring in the air. The shoots of my daffodils are poking through and there are buds on my honeysuckle. Even though I am a winter girl it does gladden the heart when there is a freshness all about. Living in the south west of England, and especially on the coast, we do have quite a mild climate compared to the rest of Britain.
Lucky us...